Friday, October 15, 2010

Failure is OK, Genevieve.

Well, October has been going at full speed and I've barely had enough time to catch my breath. Everything from life changing concerts to new friends to giggling when I shook Collin Hay's hand to dog training to writing/recording music to finding the perfect dress for $8 to booking some great bands to weddings to supporting my family in some recent hard times to just. LIVING. life.

I'm actually quite proud of myself. I'm not slacking. I'm not sitting back and wistfully hoping for change or for my goals to accomplish themselves. I'm out there putting myself on the line and I've realized that even if some of these things don't ever come to fruition, that's OK.

My mom recently asked me if I had ever watched JK Rowling's commencement speech she gave to Harvard graduates a few years back. I hadn't, so on her suggestion I sat down one evening to see what she was raving about. The speech was well... a swift punch to the gut... BUT in the best way possible. JK Rowling talks about how stepping out on a ledge and taking risk, with the potential of failure, is the better than sitting in a defined box and thinking there will be progress. Sometimes it takes frightfully big steps outside of your comfort zone to realize your true potential. And sometimes in that, you fall flat on your face. But you know what? I'd much rather die knowing that I gave my all to my passions than wondering, "What if?"

So, below I've attached the link to JK Rowling's speech. I hope you take the time to watch it and maybe embark on some potentially life changing failures.

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