Well, it is officially summer folks. I'm sort of following suit to what Jackie posted last week... I've been slacking (I haven't posted in a month! eep) and I apologize, but it's all for good reason. For the past month or so I've been really focusing on friends and deepening some great relationships I have. And as Jackie mentioned, Sarah is about to head out for the adventure of her life and we're trying to give her a good send off! On top of that, I flew out to Los Angeles this last weekend for some amazing R&R with two fantastic friends out there. And two other life long friends are flying to Denver for some vacation for the next week or so, so of course I'll be running around with them. I promise to get back on the regular posts this upcoming week and not leave you all hanging!
Here is an update on my goals and what they look like at the moment::
Genevieve's 2010 Goals
Personal Goals
1. Exercise on a semi-regular basis.
- Some options may include...
- Running 2 times a week - Have NOT been doing this
- Taking Mr. Keith Moon for walks - Keith actually has to loose 4 lbs., vets orders, haha
- Biking - I got a bike and am loving it!
2. Get published in Relevant Magazine for a CD review.
- I have to admit, I sort of forgot about this one...
3. Travel to the Pacific Northwest
- Since Sarah will be there now to stay with! I am looking into dates in late September:)
4. Go to Australia
- When my best friend & travel buddy, Steph, comes into town next week, we are going to buy our tickets!
5. Be a good owner to Mr. Keith Moon
- I am slowly adding more dates to my calendar to have him at my apartment, we took him for his yearly check up last month and am looking forward to his birthday in August:)
Church/Spiritual Goals
1. Lead worship reflective of God's heart
- I was able to gain reflection and inspiration at my home church, Rock Harbor, out in LA last week. I'm also planning a worship night within the next few months.
2. Participate in local community outreach and serve more williningly.
- July is missions month at Scum of the Earth, what perfect timing.
3. Learn, grow and love in my personal relationships and friendships.
- This has ended up being a HUGE focus of my life within the past month and a half and I have grown leaps and bounds in my personal relationships.
Musical Goals
1. Play our first show :) and hopefully have many to follow!
- This one looks a little different, but I'm working on it... kind of top secret at the moment;)
2. Record an EP
- I am saving money and writing songs...
Educational Goals
1. Apply to grad school
- The application process has started! I've picked 7 schools to apply to and am slowly working on the pieces to fit together the puzzle.
Career Goals
1. Push myself at my current job and ultimately learn deeper facets of the industry.
- This summer has definitely been a challenge for me at work. The concert schedule has gotten ridiculously busy, but I feel as though I'm gaining irreplaceable experience.
2. Always keep my options open for networking, going on tour, working internationally or landing my dream job.
- In the works;)
- In the works;)
Entrepreneurial Goals
1. Make Hear Us Loud! happen
- I've been threatening to start a social justice company for a while.
2. Put on benefit concerts and a few house shows.
- I have put on two benefit shows this year and am working towards the house show... if it is feasible with the residential zoning that I live in.
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Shake the dust off that keyboard and type us something pretty.